貴州省交通建設咨詢監理有限公司黨總支書記、董事長,北京大學光華管理學院 EMBA 學歷,工程 技術應用研究員(教授級高工),貴州省公路學會、貴州省建設監理協會理事,貴州省交通運輸廳、貴 州省工商聯優秀共產黨員,全國交通建設行業優秀監理工程師、優秀試驗檢測工程師,貴州省五一勞動 獎章獲得者,中國交通監理文化建設創意人才,貴陽市天柱商會副會長
志存高遠,心懷祖國建設;精雕細琢,意在繪制藍圖。我們正以創新發展的理念努力將企 業塑造成行業的“典范”,為客戶貢獻“交咨智慧”,用“實力和責任”奉獻社會,用“誠信 和品質”打造品牌,立足貴州,輻射全國,放眼全球 !
感恩我們的朋友,同舟共濟,推誠相見。我們深信:日臻成熟的我們將會以更加穩健的步 伐,以時不我待的緊迫感、舍我其誰的使命感在新時代大步向前,開啟新征程。公司將秉持“誠 信、創新、責任、超越、共贏”核心價值觀,與您攜手共進,共創更加燦爛輝煌的明天。
Aim high and cherish the construction of the motherland; It is carefully carved with the intention of drawing a blueprint. With the concept of innovative development, we are trying to build the enterprise into a "model" of the industry, contributing "traffic consulting wisdom" to customers, contributing to the society with "strength and responsibility", building a brand with "integrity and quality", based in Guizhou, radiating across the country and looking at the world!
Thank our friends for helping each other in the same boat. We are convinced that as we become more and more mature, we will stride forward and start a new journey in the new era with a more steady pace, a sense of urgency and a sense of mission. Adhering to the core values of "integrity, innovation, responsibility, transcendence and win-win", our company is willing to work with you to create a more brilliant tomorrow
貴州省交通建設咨詢監理有限公司 Copyright ? 2021 黔ICP備2021010858號-1 服務熱線:0851-85821114、85832195、85833273 網站建設:中企動力 貴陽